
NEGOTIATIONS AND ADR Pre- and Post-Dispute Resolution Pre-Litigation Negotiations The Nuddleman Law Firm, P.C. works with its clients to find solutions that work for them. Robert Nuddleman has the experience to know which cases can be resolved through negotiations,...
Flurry of Changes to California Employment Law

Flurry of Changes to California Employment Law

End of Legislative Session Brings Several Changes to the California Workplace The combination of the continuing COVID-19 pandemic and the clock running out on this year’s legislative session produced a lot of tweaks to California employment law, ranging from workers’...
New Employment Laws for 2020 Signed by Governor Newsom

New Employment Laws for 2020 Signed by Governor Newsom

The California legislature and Gavin Newsom have been busy in 2019. The following is a list of the new legislation impacting California employers. Most laws go into effect January 1, 2020, but a few go into effect immediately. Thank you to Phyllis Cheng who does an...